"Located in North East Africa, Morocco is one of the most amazing countries I have had the privilege to travel within.  There are not enough words to describe this enchanting land full of mystery and wonder. I hope some of my images will allow you to feel it's soul."



We planned our trip to Spain and decided to take a detour a few days at the end and explore a place we had not yet been - Morocco.   The guide we  hired spoke Italian, French and Arabic of course.  Confidently, the 3 of us boarded the flight from Seville to Marrakech with no real clue how this place would forever hold our hearts.  

Getting off the plane and finding a cab was interesting to say the least. But after some negotiating we decided on a driver, crossed our fingers that all our bags would not fall out the back and took off to our hotel. (the only touristic hotel we have stayed at)  Success  with our bags, we settled in to our rooms of this lovely hotel.   Let the adventures begin!  Hope you enjoy the photography!


March 2015 - These photos are from our first full day of only two in Morocco.  We met our guide and took off to see a small souk (a market where people come to sell produce and livestock)  on the road to the the Riad we would be staying at later that evening.  We watched men shoe horses, buy and sell livestock as well as fresh produce.   This was really something I had never experienced and it was hard to take it all in.   

Traveling down the road to the village we would see a larger souk and eat lunch, we saw the "famous" goats in trees.  They climb the Argon Trees there to eat the nuts.    

As lunchtime was arriving, so did the next town. We took a quick look around the souk as our guides selected some fresh meats that hung in the market for sale.  We found some seats at a small grill and our lunch was prepared for us.   Was amazingly good!


We stayed in a Village by the name of Bouzamma, in a Berber Riad.  By traveling responsibly we can help contribute to the economic development of the village.  The woman of this village collect Argon Seeds and produce the oil for sale.  The ladies of the village are also learning to read and write thus helping them gain some independence. The photos taken by the water were in the city of  Essaouria.  A beautiful city, I got caught up by all the amazing doorways and the fishing boats.


As the 3 of us are equine photographers, and wanted to shoot horses as well as see the "real" culture of Morocco,  we did get permission to photograph the Selmon Hotel in Marrakech. Located at the foothills of the Atlas Mtns. Designed by Jacques Garcia.   I have several of the photos I took in the Sales gallery section as well as these I snapped with my Cell phone. Quite a stunning hotel and home to many beautiful purebred Arabian horses.